Association Philotechnique

Boulogne - Billancourt

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New students can register in June for beginner classes only (A1.1)

Placement tests will take place in September by appointment

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French as a foreigner classes: from A1.1 to B1.2

French deepening: from B2 to C2

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Artistic activities

New : collage classes

Painting lessons

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Sewing classes (french)

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NEW: Philosophy class (french only)

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Students 2023-2024 : you can now register for 2024-2025.

 New students  Placement tests (for language levels) will take place by appoinment in September. There are free.

These appointments are available online.

 Registration procedures to be consulted on the "registrations and prices" tab.

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The Philo' team


Introducing our Association


What does « philotechnique » mean?

It is an old world, coming from the greek words « Philo » and « Technie », meaning « love of the arts », « taste for the arts or for elegance ».

Then the adjective « philotechnique » was connected with the words « Association » and « Society ».

The purpose of a Philotechnique Association or a Philotechnique Society is to encourage, to promote, arts and sciences ».

In 1848, The Association Philotechnique was organized under the Polytechnic Association (from the Polytechnic School). It first gave 3 kinds of teaching : general, technical and arts.


Who are we today?

The Association Philotechnique of Boulogne-Billancourt is a training centre for adults, who would like to study or improve their languages, their computer skills, painting or even design and create their own clothes. 

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Boulogne Billancourt